每年,璞跃(Plug and Play)就大企业合作伙伴和初创企业的创新合作,会举行近8000次对接会谈。在对接期间,我们也近距离观察跟进着双方沟通、合作的全程。在海量的大企业-初创企业创新合作过程中,我们发现,大企业提前思考解决7个“关键问题”,能增加双方合作顺利推进的可能性。那么,我们一起来看看这些“关键问题”是什么吧!
Holding roughly 8,000 meetings between our corporate partners and startups annually, we have been privileged to have a front row seat to their interactions. Of course, not every interaction ends smoothly so we thought it would be helpful to summarize some of the questions a corporation should think about prior to and during a startup engagement. Here are 7 questions every corporation needs to ask before piloting with a startup:

01 目标是什么
What exactly are you looking for?
我们发现,许多与璞跃(Plug and Play)合作的大企业会建立一个行之有效的“需求简报系统”。在这个系统上,公司每个业务部门都能通过该系统上传他们感兴趣的科技创新领域以及他们希望参与的方式。
We find having a clear innovation is often the most pressing question when an organization is so large and distributed.
Some of our partners, like P&G and Mars, have a briefing system whereby each business unit submits areas they are interested in and how exactly they want to tackle it. Other partners hold quarterly C-Level meetings where they identify the weaknesses of the business and how startups could potentially solve that.
Startups do not operate like corporations; they have short lifelines and time can not be wasted with a corporation that is unsure of their needs.
02 哪些业务部门需要参与/需要哪些资源?
Which business units (BU) need to get involved/what is my buy-in needed?
事先了解其他哪些业务部门需要参与,可以让大企业在与科技创业者/团队 成功会面后,简化开展创新试点的流程。
Knowing prior which business units need to get involved streamlines the pilotprocess after successful meetings with a startup.
We recommend you create “sprints for innovation”, focusing on a specific pinging point in collaboration with a specific business unit. This way the innovation team and the BU can source collaboratively, rather than blindsiding the other in siloed efforts.
03 对创业公司的个人信息验证或付款形式?
Does the startup need personably identifiable information and/or payments in any way?
Compliance teams are generally very strict on technology in this space.Understanding the parameters of the compliance teams’ diligencesolves a bunch of later problems.
04 如何提高效率节省时间
How quick will my time beand do I need to shorten various documentation?
A 50+ page Master Services Agreement is not something a startup can easily digest. Shortening the vendor diligence and keeping documentation light yet thorough ensures a valuable relationship.
05 建立创新试点的流程?
What is our pilot process?
为了确保所有资源都能够在第一时间到位,大企业应当向初创企业明确列出试点的合格标准。为了测试创新技术的落地可能性,不少Plug and Play大企业合作伙伴会建立“零投入试点模式”,即在两周内不支付任何费用,等待两周后才会评估是否需要进行更大的投入。
Laying out the parameters of a pilot clearly to a startup makes sure all resources are available from day one.Some of our partners have a zero pay pilot process, where they do not pay for a pilot and only test for 2 weeks to determine if it is something to deploy in a larger fashion.
06 初创企业如何接入大企业的系统设施?
Does it actually integrate?
Every startup says they do.
Startups often say they integrate with existing enterprise infrastructure yet at time of implementation a whole host of problems can occur.An understanding of how custom your ERP or CRM or other enterprise infrastructure is like can save a lot of time at deploymen.
07 “后试点战略”是什么?
What is our post-pilot strategy?
Map it out.
大部分科技初创企业对“概念验证困境(POC Hell)”非常了解,它指一个大企业决定尝试创新技术,但没有明确的“后试点战略”的黑暗时期。
Enterprise startups know all too well of POC Hell. It’s a time when corporations decide to test out a startup’s technology but have no clear post pilot strategy.
Certain corporations are even known by startups for actively testing new technology but never deploying fully. You don’t want to be on this blacklist not only for a negative reputation but also for stagnating on innovation.
A clear direction for post-pilot needs to come from the C-level and executing via various business units; innovation teams need buy-in and teamwork for effectiveness.
· 与管理团队、业务部门就创新需求有效沟通
· 获取资源和支持后,在明确的目标中与初创企业协作
· 在后试点阶段,拥有清晰的后试点落地战略
· 并重公开和高效
·Communicating with business units on actual needs
·Collaborating in targeted efforts
·Having a clear post-pilot strategy
·Transparency and quickness
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